Saturday 30 April 2016

Saving Money

Buying old Lens can save you loads of money , with the simple addition of an adapter .I use Ebay but car boots are also good places to find them .Remember to check for Fungus on the Lens which can happen if the Lens has got wet or moisture has got inside. The old lens glass can produce beautiful images , with a softness that harks back to the film days . I love to set the camera in Manual Mode , in my camera the Nikon D7000 you can set the F stop and Focal Length in order to use the camera metering . The lens has a Aperture Ring and Focus Ring which are a joy to use , silky smooth .
My favourite is  the Super Takumar 55mm f 1.8 , it is small and the focus and Aperture Rings are smooth to use . Its made of Metal unlike todays plastic so built like a tank . With a M42 Adapter it fits snugly to the camera . The series of images below show you how to go about setting the Camera and fitting an old lens , remember to check your manufacturer compatibility .

Friday 29 April 2016

15 Mins of Fame

My 15 mins of Fame came when i reported a Trapped young Swan in the Lock I visit daily . The young Swan had got into the lock gates and couldn't get out its parents were desperately trying to coax it out.I reported it to the Canal Trust who thankfully sent someone down to open the gates . But a few weeks later another one got in , and was in there for 2 days before help arrived . Today the lock has been repaired and another incident hasn't happened .This highlights that when ever you go out take a camera , most of us have mobiles with cameras in them , you never know when you may need it .My Picture ended up in the Telegraph ,Leicester Mercury and Water Ways World .

Thursday 28 April 2016

Swan Behaviour

The mating game for Swans can be both brutal and tender . In my time of going to the Canal I have seen both sides . It is fascinating to watch , as the pair swoon each other on the water . Patience is key here . Watching for maybe hours until you see the right shot . The shot below is one of my favorite . Settings of the camera were Lens Tamron 70-300 mm f4.0-5.6 , f 8 , shutter 1/400 , ISO 500 .

Wednesday 27 April 2016

London Visit

The trip to London in 2015 was amazing , hadn't been around London in many years . To experience the hustle and bustle of daily life in the Metropolis can be over whelming. To get to the many tourist area's you have to travel by Tube . With me on my travels I had a Nikon 35mm f1.8 and a Nikon 50-200 mm f 3.5-5.6, going light on equipment is for me best , as we had a lot of walking and a heavy camera bag would of slowed us down . Settings for this image were f 6.3 , shutter 1/13 , ISO 800 . I wanted to capture the speed of the Tube as it whizzed passed us at the Station.

I have more to come on London so stick around on my amazing Journey .

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Early Morning

With my Illness sleeping is difficult ,so early mornings are not a problem . On a frosty Winters day the light is just right . I take a walk along the canal . Landscape is not my strength  , but setting the camera to Manual , f8 , shutter speed 1/400 , ISO 800 . I was using these settings in case a bird should fly by , be prepared . The canal was pretty still , not had much rain to cause it to run faster..

Monday 25 April 2016

High Speed Capture

One of my interests is Aircraft , from all era's . I am amazed that some of the Aircraft fly at all . With my friend Muggins we went to RAF Fairford Royal Air Tattoo  Airshow . It was one of the last times to see the Vulcan Bomber fly . If you have never heard a Vulcan fly over , it's like Concord over head , as it uses the same engines . It is truly amazing site . Setting the camera , I like to use Manual settings , F8-F11 depending on conditions , ISO 300-800 depending on lens used  ,  I have a Tamron 70-300 mm . Shutter speed 1000 , set highest burst mode mine is 6fps.

  Nikon D7000 f11 1/800 125mm ISO 320

Sunday 24 April 2016

Insect Capture

The Macro world of insects is fascinating . On a Summers day with the Sun beating down there's nothing better than capturing Insects. I was lucky to find a Tamron 90 mm Macro with 1-1 Adapter for very little on Ebay . It opened up a whole world I'd never seen it was amazing . Setting in Aperture Priority , ISO 100 or Lower , F5.6- F8 to make the backgrounds milky . Spot single Focus and try to focus on the eye if you can .

Saturday 23 April 2016


I find portraits to be the hardest for me , getting the right angle and composition is really hard . Finding the right lens to avoid distortion  , I use a 35mm or a 50mm sometimes a 200mm . All these give pleasing results . But I am my own worst critic . I try to focus on the eye , and use F 1.8 - F11 depending on the light and how much of the background I want blurred (Bokeh) . Try to find backgrounds that aren't to busy , which can distract the viewer . Take many shots at different angles , if they let you .

Friday 22 April 2016


Find a subject to photograph . My interest in Vietnam has meant I have built one or two models . I am fascinated by that period , I guess it's because I was born in 1968 . The brutality of that war , and the humiliation of the soldiers returning home , has left a deep scar in the American psyche. My models pay tribute to the men and women who forte .

Thursday 21 April 2016

Animal Behaviour

Capturing animal behaviour is one of my favourite . Watching the birds fight for dominance , care for their young or mating . Patience is key here , many hours can be spent where nothing happens . Then within an instant all hell breaks loose . It's fascinating to watch . Set your camera to high speed and click away .

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Spring is in the Air

Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth . Nature springs into life , after a long Winter .Insects begin to buzz and flutter around us . Birds start to nest and lay eggs . If we have a mild Winter then life begins early , I am already seeing young  Coots on the water ,while the Swans are still sitting on nests . The days are longer and the Sun starts to beat down warming us up . Try to get out there and see the abundance of life .

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Learn thy self

Illness makes you focus on life's positives. Look into yourself and find your strengths. Listen to your subconscious, where your true self lives. Expand your knowledge by digesting books, videos, audiobooks. Take every opportunity to grow as a person. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Monday 18 April 2016

Buying Lenses

Buying lenses is enjoyable ,  looking at the various sizes and functions . It can be expensive but I have found away to save . Through the use of adapters you can fit older lenses onto your camera . First you need to check on Google or your manufacturers website what lenses are compatible . For me I can use  M42 Mount Lenses with an M42 Adapter . Searching on Ebay or other second hand sites you can pick up some bargains . The older lenses uses better glass than some of the newer ones . The only thing I can't do is focus automatically , they are all manual . I find this makes you step back and take stock of what you are shooting . Slowing the pace down is always a good thing .
Ref :

Sunday 17 April 2016

Camera Choices

Today you  have so many choices to suit every budget and user ability . I started simple with a bridge camera and soon moved to DSLR , as my technique and experience grew . I love to take pictures of birds in flight and nature . For me having a fast burst speed and the ability to shoot RAW was important. DSLR were created from their film counterparts  . Many features were familiar to  the user  the dials and layout were very similar . It was a revolution to be able to see the image you have taken on a screen on the back of the camera . You could adjust settings on the fly without having to carry different film types to suit the situation . We take for granted many of these features .

Saturday 16 April 2016

Knowledge is king

Watching YouTube and reading book's on other photographer's gives you the best way to get tips and tricks from the professionals. Knowledge is absorbed through many different media. Find the one right for you.

Friday 15 April 2016

Storage of your images has been made much easier ,with the likes of Google ,Flickr ,Dropbox and many others . It's easy to set up and to keep a backup is important .I have my backup on an external harddrive but you can you dvd's , bluerays or flash drives to store them . It's amazing how many images you take in a year , I have over 15000 .

Thursday 14 April 2016

Support from friends and family is important . It keeps you focused and relieves the depression that can creep in slowly but surely . Positive thought and keeping busy is a great way of combating this . It is nothing to be embarrassed about , talking about how you feel can help to . I build models , listen to audio books and play a few games on the PC . Everyone is different  , you will find ways to control depression that work for you .

Wednesday 13 April 2016

I find plenty of opportunities to capture images . If I am unable to get out I find things in the flat to  take pictures of , such as water flowing into a bowl or glass , my models that I've made  . The options are endless . The bottom line using your imagination can create amazing images . Just look around you .

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Photography get's you into the fresh air , you are receiving exercise  without even knowing it . Walking even short distances give's you many opportunities to capture life . I love to watch people going about their normal day , oblivious that i might take their image . I usually taken people walking  , where they create shadows on the walls or pavements . Mornings are great to capture this.
Setting up the camera can be a daunting prospect . Each manufacturer has its own way of using menu's and buttons on the camera . My first port of call is to read the manual , I know this is not the man thing to do , but doing so will help you so much in the long rung . Sit with the camera and press the buttons , don't be afraid you can't wipe anything . Look at the dials become one with the camera . Take your time,  make sure you are comfortable holding the camera . I noticed straight away the heft of it , compared to my bridge camera . Build quality is important as this is a massive investment .
Light and shadow can create sublime images . Camera's today have so much dynamic range that a seemingly completely underexposed picture can be rescued with the touch of simple sliders in programs like Lightroom or Photoshop . This means you can keep many more photo's which you would normally delete .

Monday 11 April 2016

Being creative is so useful . Looking at the image and enhancing the experience you saw through software is ok to do . I use Lightroom , Photoshop , Nik Collection . Having a basic knowledge of the PC or Mac will enable you to create surreal or realistic images . The software  opens up a whole new world for the photographer , using it for enhancement is not cheating the information is in the meta data of the file  , a bad photo will always be a bad photo . I like to  use HDR to bring out the shadows and high lights in an image .
My first camera was the Samsung  Bridge camera  , I then moved to a Nikon D3100 DSLR my first serious camera , years after I got a real bargain Nikon D200 with 2 lens , Memory cards , case , and finally my current camera Nikon D7000 . From humble beginnings my confidence in the use of a digital camera grew , learning the in's and out's of their functions is all part of your growth as a photographer  . It is very true that its the individual that takes the great photo , using composition , settings and subject , not the equipment you use . Though I believe your equipment helps you expand your horizons by enabling you to capture sometimes difficult images such as birds in flight where a fast burst mode can catch the moment the bird flaps its wings , something I continue to try and capture to the best of my ability .
Photography for me is a therapy , setting up the camera before I go out gives me butterflies , with the expectation and prospect of seeing life as it plays out on that day. Choosing the lens to take out will determine what you will be able to capture , this can be difficult since I can't carry a lot . I find to carry a 18-55mm , 55-200mm , a 90mm Macro usually covers most situations . Sometimes I carry the 35mm . I have a selection of 1960's - 70's and 80's glass , which I bought from Ebay . With a simple adapter my camera can meter with them and the images from them are something else .

Sunday 10 April 2016

Opportunities arise through luck and chance most of the time . Having a mobile or camera with you at all times will give you the best chance , to capture the moment . Nothing is more frustrating than seeing that kingfisher perched on the tree ready to dive , when you realize you forgot to put a memory card in the camera or your phone has low battery . Being prepared will always get you results . Stay focused and enjoy the moment.
Time passes by as we walk through life . Capturing the moment can be a real tonic to the soul . I remember walking along the canal when a Heron flew right in front of me , camera in hand i quickly snapped away .
Exposure of your images to the public is so easy these days. The use of Flickr , 500px , youpic and many others have given the individual a platform to show there work. Constructive criticism is always welcome , helpful hints and tips all tools to create work to be proud of . Don't be afraid to use these sites , they will encourage you to continue .
Nature , people , buildings , all fascinate me . When i look through the lens of my camera and compose the shot . My head fills with happiness . I am transcended into the world of that object .

So it Begins

Photography gives me the ability to record my surroundings , showing the viewer a glimpse into my minds eye . For generations pictures have opened up worlds of wonderment , showing us the enormous variety of life on this earth.
It's 2013 live has become pretty bleak. I have been suffering with Lyme's disease since 2005 . The 4 walls of my flat became my prison , 24/7 pain and poor medication meant life was intolerable . A visit to see a specialist changed this with better subscribed medication . My friend Muggins gave me a camera and my life has new meaning . There was light at the end of my ever closing tunnel.
Follow my journey of discovery through my photography.

My Journey Starts

In 2005 after a family holiday to Canada , I was infected with Lyme's disease a chronic illness .Effecting every part of my body , a continue circle of pain , and fatigue. Work is being done by the CDC in Canada and other places around the world . Unfortunately there is no cure , you can only treat the symptoms  as the occur . This has made life for me a real challenge  , positive thought and motivation has enabled me to manage this illness . Each day is a gift that I try my best to take head on and work through the difficulties.