Friday 28 October 2016

Street Photography

If like me you enjoy Street Photography I'd like to tell you some of my thought processes in my method behind my images. I like to keep it natural and not staged . Many of my shots are from the hip. You can experiment with different ways from various points of view. This i feel adds interest . Remember to take a step back and compose your shots. Adding depth using people in the foreground middle ground and background makes for an interesting image. Light and shadow during golden hour helps to make mundane objects interesting.

Monday 24 October 2016

Wet weather

Winter months brings us more wet day's. This can be difficult to photograph in but not impossible. With these simple items you can go and shoot.
1. A plastic bag large enough to fit over your camera body and lens.
2. Elastic band used to secure the bag around your lens cover.
3. A micro fibre cloth to wipe the lens if it gets rain on it .
Using these items will enable you to go out in any weather and not cost the earth in expensive camera covers found on our favourite websites.
I hope this is useful if you have any other useful ideas please leave a message or comment.

Friday 21 October 2016

Staying Positive

As winter draws in , life gets that little bit harder . Waking up in the dark and the early evenings means your body struggles to keep active . It is a time when your mind wanders the edge of depression , you are continually pulling yourself out of the darkness . Staying active is the key to keeping your sanity over the winter period . We have to tell ourselves that there is always someone worse off than ourselves . Putting our situation into perspective is a very difficult thing to do . Many times you just want to roll up into a ball and not let anyone in . Try to keep your mind working on something creative . Life is for living , time is unforgiving .

Chilling with James itskibbleYT